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Adventures in Music 


Adventures in Music is a program of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. Student music groups in school grades 4 - 6 (strings, recorder, movement or choir) are invited to perform onstage with the WSO in a series of school concerts. Send us an email at if you are interested in signing up. 


What:  Adventures in Music is a Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra educational concert series in

which student groups (strings, recorder, movement, choral) are invited to participate by playing a

piece on stage with the WSO.  The audience consists mainly of school groups and parents.  The

symphony repeats this concert 8 times in total, but with different student groups each time.

 Check out the WSO website here:


We do not currently have details to share about Adventures in Music, 2024. Check back for updates in the new year.



Keep scrolling to see photos of DKSM students participate in this program!





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